1,328 research outputs found

    Spoken Text Principles Analysis Found in Conversation Video Entitled at the Travel Agent

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    Desain penelitian ini menggunakan deskriptif kualitatif yang bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan tulisan deskriptif siswa dengan analisis genre di kelas X-D MAN 2 Semarang tahun ajaran 2014/2015. Instrument penelitian adalah tulisan deskriptif text siswa. Peneliti menganalisis lembar kerja siswa dengan mengidentifikasi generic structure dan language features dalam menulis teks deskriptif. Hasil analisis menunjukkan 75% dari persentase total siswa dapat menulis bagian identifikasi dengan benar dan 100% siswa dapat menerapkan bagian deskripsi dalam penulisan teks deskriptif. Pada hasil analisis languagefeatures menunjukkan bahwa 100% dari total persentase siswa dapat mengaplikasikan penggunaan specific participant, simple present tense, dan kata sifat. Sedangkan 97% siswa dapat menerapkan penggunaan being verb dan noun phrase dengan sukses. Hasil ini menunjukkan bahwa analisis genre pada kelas XD MAN 2 Semarang tahun ajaran 2014/2015 memperoleh hasil yang memuaskan

    An Empirical Analysis of the Determinants of Marketing Contract Structures for Corn and Soybeans

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    Contracts serve as coordination mechanisms which allocate value, risk, and decision rightsacross buyers and sellers. The use of marketing contracts in agriculture, specifically for crop production,has been increasing over the past decade. This study investigates the determinants ofagricultural marketing contract design employing data from the USDA’s Agricultural ResourceManagement Survey. Models are estimated to analyze the association between producer and contractorcharacteristics, the decision to produce under contract, and the types of contract structuresobserved in practice, while controlling for the potential for endogenous matching betweencontracting parties. Results indicate that while certain producer characteristics are significantlyassociated with the decision to produce corn or soybeans under contract, there is no significantassociation between those characteristics and specific contract attributes.

    Trains, Games, and Complexity: 0/1/2-Player Motion Planning through Input/Output Gadgets

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    We analyze the computational complexity of motion planning through local "input/output" gadgets with separate entrances and exits, and a subset of allowed traversals from entrances to exits, each of which changes the state of the gadget and thereby the allowed traversals. We study such gadgets in the 0-, 1-, and 2-player settings, in particular extending past motion-planning-through-gadgets work to 0-player games for the first time, by considering "branchless" connections between gadgets that route every gadget's exit to a unique gadget's entrance. Our complexity results include containment in L, NL, P, NP, and PSPACE; as well as hardness for NL, P, NP, and PSPACE. We apply these results to show PSPACE-completeness for certain mechanics in Factorio, [the Sequence], and a restricted version of Trainyard, improving prior results. This work strengthens prior results on switching graphs and reachability switching games.Comment: 37 pages, 36 figure

    Analisis Pendapatan dan Faktor yang Mempengaruhi Pendapatan Petani Jahe Emprit (Zingiber Officinale Var.amarum) dengan Sistem Tumpangsari Sayuran di Kecamatan Jenawi Kabupaten Karanganyar

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    : This study aimed to analyze the amount of income and factors affecting farmers' income in the district ginger Jenawi Karanganyar. The basic method used explanatory method. The research location in District Jenawi Karanganyar. Respondents in this study was determined by census method were 36 farmers. The data used primary data and secondary data. Analysis of data using income analysis and the factors that influence earnings by regressions. The results showed the average income of ginger farmers with intercropping systems cabbage, peppers, tomatoes, leeks and beans respectively were Rp 38.927.120,00/ha, Rp 41.524.907,00/ha, Rp 8.674.687,00/ha, Rp 8.564.064,00/ha and Rp 5.878.545,00/ha. The highest revenues in farming ginger with intercropping chilli and lowest in the farming ginger with bean intercropping. Based on the results of the t test, there were several variables that significantly influence the variable income area of land, seed, NPK fertilizer, pesticides, experience to farm, and the life of farmers

    Pendekatan Upah Bayangan (Shadow Wage) untuk Estimasi Penawaran Tenaga Kerja USAha Tani Kecil (Kasus Perkebunan Karet Rakyat di Kabupaten Muaro Jambi Provinsi Jambi)

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk: (1) Mengestimasi fungsi produksi USAha tani kecil perkebunan karet rakyat; (2) Mengestimasi besaran upah bayangan pada USAha tani kecil perkebunan karet rakyat; (3) Mengestimasi fungsi penawaran tenaga kerja USAha tani kecil perkebunan karet rakyat berdasarkan pendekatan upah bayangan. Penelitian dilakukan di Kabupaten Muaro Jambi Provinsi Jambi. Hasil analisis menemukan bahwa: (1) Berdasarkan estimasi fungsi produksi memperlihatkan bahwa faktor yang signikan berpengaruh adalah tenaga kerja dan lahan dengan arah pengaruh positif, dengan skala pengembalian yang konstan; (2) Rata-rata upah bayangan tenaga kerja pada USAha tani kecil perkebunan karet di Kabupaten Muaro Jambi relatif tinggi yaitu mencapai Rp 101.386. Hampir dua kali lipat dari upah rata-rata di Kabupaten Muaro Jambi; (3) Penawaran tenaga kerja pada USAha tani kecil perkebunan karet dipengaruhi secara negatif oleh upah serta secara positif oleh pendapatan dan umur kepala keluarga

    Analisis Penawaran Cabai Merah (Capsicum Annum L.) Di Kabupaten Karanganyar

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    : The research aims are analyzing red Chili pepper supply factors and supply elasticity in Karanganayar Regency.The basic method which used in this research is descriptive analysis. The research location was choose by purposive is Karanganyar Regency. While data type wich used is time series secondary data during 24 months started from January 2013-December 2014. The computation data analysis used double linear regression by inserting model lag which distributed by approach Nerlove (Partial Adjustment Model). Supplies function with direct approaching. The value of the coefficient of determination (R2) this study was 0,703. The results showed that red Chili pepper's price four month earlier variable and red Chili pepper's harvested area at t month variable, are obviously significant toward red Chili pepper supply in Karanganyar Regency at 1% significance level. Red Chili pepper's price four month earlier, red Chili pepper's harvested area at t month, average rainfall at t month, quantity red Chili pepper production at previous month and red Chili pepper's price at t month jointly significant effect on the red Chili pepper supply in Karanganyar Regency at the rate 1% significance. Red Chili pepper supplies elasticity at short term is inelastic

    Pemanfaatan Limbah Tomat sebagai Agen Dekomposer Pembuatan Kompos Sampah Organik

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    Kurangnya pengetahuan terhadap tomat menyebabkan masyarakat memandangnya hanya sebagai buah atau sayur dan dijual begitu saja tanpa ada produk turunan. Sehingga limbah tomat yang busuk hanya dibuang begitu saja tanpa ada proses pengolahan. Oleh karena itu, diperlukan metode pengolahan sampah yang efisien dan ramah lingkungan seperti pengomposan. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan memanfaatkan kulit pisang dan limbah tomat sebagai agen dekomposer untuk dijadikan kompos yang lebih bermanfaat. Tujuan dari penelitian ini untuk mengetahui kematangan kompos secara fisik (warna, bau, tekstur dan suhu) dan kimia (pH, N, P, K dan C/N rasio) berdasarkan SNI: 19-7030-2004. Penelitian ini diawali dengan pembuatan ekstrak limbah tomat. Pengomposaan dimulai dengan komposisi P1 (kulit pisang 1 kg), P2 (kulit pisang 1 kg + limbah tomat 100g) dan P3 (kulit pisang + kotoran sapi), dimana penelitan dilakukan 2 kali pengulangan. Proses pengomposan dilakukan selama 8 minggu. Pengecekan pH, suhu, warna, bau dan tekstur dilakukan setiap hari. Selanjutnya dilakukan uji kualitas kompos dengan parameter Nitrogen (N), fosfor (P), kalium (K) dan C/N rasio dilakukan pada minggu ke-6 dan minggu ke-8. Hasil pengomposan secara fisik menunjukkan warna kehitaman, tidak berbau, tekstur terurai seperti tanah dan suhu mendekati suhu tanah (P1:27,71oC, P2:28,43oC dan P3:28,36oC). Sedangkan untuk parameter kimia secara berturut-turut yaitu pH (P1:10,2, P2:10,1 dan P3:10,2), N (P1:2,28%, P2:2,45% dan P3:2,22%), P(P1:0,38%, P2:0,36% dan P3:0,39%), K(P1:16,24%, P2:15,20% dan P3:12,72%) dan C/N rasio(P1:17,06%, P2:16,73% dan P3:18,88). Berdasarkan SNI: 19-7030-2004, kadar minimum N yaitu 0,4%, P 0,1%, K 0,2% dan C/N rasio 10-20, sehingga kompos yang terbuat dari kulit pisang telah memenuhi standar kompos yang baik kecuali pH

    Review of Open Source Simulators in ICS/IIoT Security Context

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    In industrial control systems (ICS), simulation has found widespread use during system design and in tuning process control parameters or exploring the effects of new control algorithms. Simulation enables the assessment of performance at scale and allows research to be conducted by those with limited access to real physical infrastructures. However, as ICSs are often no longer isolated from other networks and the internet, hence are subject to security and safety issues, simulation is also required to understand the issues and their solution. To foster transparent, collaborative and cost-effective studies, demonstrations, and solution development, and attract the broadest interest base, simulation is indeed critical and Open Source is a good way to go since simulators in this category are less expensive to access, install, and use, and can be run with general purpose (non-proprietary) computing equipment and setups. Findings This research presents the following key findings: 1. A lot of Open Source simulation tools exist and span applications areas such as communications and sensor networks (C&WSNs), ICS/SCADA, and IIoT. 2. The functional structures and characteristics that appear common in Open Source simulators include: supported licence types, programming languages, operating systems platforms, user interface types, and available documentation and types. 3. Typical research around Open Source simulators is built around modelling, analysis and optimisation of operations in relations to factors such as flexibility, mobility, scalability, and active user support. No single Open Source simulator addresses all conceivable characteristics. While some are strong in specific contexts relative to their development, they are often weak in other purpose-based research capabilities, especially in the context of IoT. 4. Most of the reviewed Open Source tools are not designed to address security contexts. The few that address security such as SCADASim only consider very limited contexts such as testing and evaluating Denial-of-Service (DoS), Man-in-the-middle (Mitm), Eavesdropping, and Spoofing attacks. Recommendations The following key recommendations are presented: 1. Future developments of Open Source simulators (especially for IIoT) should explore the potential for functionalities that can enable the integration of diverse simulators and platforms to achieve an encompassing setup. 2. Developers should explore the capabilities of generic simulators towards achieving architectures with expansible capabilities into multi-class domains, support easier and faster modelling of complex systems, and which can attract varied users and contributors. 3. Functional characteristics such as; ease of use, degree of community acceptance and use, and suitability for industrial applications, should also be considered as selection and development criteria, and to emphasise simulator effectiveness. This can support consistency, credibility, and simulation system relevance within a domain that is continually evolving. 4. Future Open Source simulation projects developments should consider and adopt the more common structural attributes including; Platform Type, Open Source Licence Type, Programming Language, User Interfaces, Documentation, and Communication Types. These should be further complemented by appropriate editorial controls spanning quality coding, revision control and effective project disseminations and management, to boost simulation tool credibility and wide acceptance. 5. The range of publication dates (earliest to latest) for: citations, code commits, and number of contributors associated to Open Source simulator projects can also support the decision for interests and adoption of specific Open Source projects. 6. Research objectives for ICS/IIoT Open Source simulators should also include security performance and optimisation with considerations towards enhancing confidentiality, integrity and availability. 7. Further studies should explore the evaluation of security topics which could be addressed by simulation – more specifically, proposing how this may be achieved and identifying what can't be addressed by simulation. Investigations into simulation frameworks that can allow multi-mode simulations to be configured and operated are also required. Research into Industry 4.0 System-of-Systems (SoS) security evaluations, dependency, and cascading impacts method or analysis is another area of importanc

    Concepts and Emerging Theories: An Analysis of Editorials in Nigerian Newspapers

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    One of the ways newspapers bare their mind on issues of public interest is through editorials. As an important piece of writing, editorials do not shy away from controversies, in the hope of not only presenting the issues to the reading public, but also drawing responses from the public and attracting new readership in the competitive marketplace of ideas. It is on this premise that this paper examines the relatedness in the concepts that make up the contents of editorials in three selected Nigerian newspapers. Through a qualitative analysis of editorials in The Guardian, Vanguard and Daily Sun newspapers using Grounded Theory method, the concepts of Timeliness, Contempt, Personality-Issue, Audience-Specific and Change were discovered. The study period spans from January – June 2012 and it focuses on salient issues of public interest as commented on by the newspapers. The findings of this study which are the concepts stated earlier gave rise to emerging theories. Key words: Editorial, Grounded Theory, Concepts, Emerging Theory, Newspaper
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